Shame on me, it's veeerrrry late to post summer news. But life sometimes has it's own plans for us. For me it was a week in hospital and 2 weeks recovering at home in July :o(. Don't worry, this blog hasn't turned to medical one :o), but there's one thing I would tell you anyway - there isn't any better medication, then 2 wonderful furry friends (and family of course and country home, but it's Sheltie blog here). I felt good again on the minute I was back at home with them.
Now to the summary.
Now to the summary.
To start from beginning, we were seriously attacked at our country home at spring - by snails :o). There was so many of them, that for help we turned to real professionals:

Well, later it turned out, that professionals are a bit lazy in their job, but it was a lot of fun with them on summer. Rocco changed his "Cats eating" soap opera to reality show performed by ducks:

And Lucky was happy to get 4 new playmates to play "herding dog and duck's" game

Don't worry, it was fair play, time to time roles changed and duck's were herding Lucky. And Lucky was sooo happy for the attention he got :o)

And as I was talking about Lucky's friends, here's some more of them
Tiger the cat you know already from last year. Do you believe me if I tell that Lucky is singing lullaby to his friend :o) ?
Tiger the cat you know already from last year. Do you believe me if I tell that Lucky is singing lullaby to his friend :o) ?

Tiger too thinks he needs a walk on evenings. At least he joins us every time he sees us going to walk. Walks with us all the way, if we stop he lies down and follows if we continue.

Pätu is Tigers son and almost same age as Lucky. And as crazy as Lucky. The picture below is not posed, just a catched moment. They are involved with science I think, entomology :o)

Jossu you know too. He isn't actually thrilled of babysitting, but Lucky doesn't take no for answer :o)
And here a little 6 months old dachshund Annu is playing fox hunt with Lucky :o)
Luna, Annu and Lucky just happy about running free
But back to the summary.Here are the dogs with rat tulips. Rat tulips is real sign that it's summer soon. We didn't plant them and they are not the flowers that grow in our wild nature. So probably they started to grow from rat's underground kitchen and now there's more and more of them every spring.

Then a picture from a walk we had with Karin and Inna and their dog's on rainy day. All the good pictures made by Karin you have seen already. Here's one of my dear fun flying Lucky

Then I already told you about this, but still once again - my dear good boy Rocco with his winners class win awards

Our Sheltie-photo-day with Karin and her Shelties
Field on cotton-grass in forest, it was first time for me to see it, so we had to go back many times with camera to save what I saw

Living just one week without me was possible to smell from Rocco's coat (swimming every evening without drying later). Here's his payback time :o) - little sheepdog catchers washing him.

Then a beautiful evening on a beautiful place on west coast of Estonia

I hope the dogs enjoyed the view too, as it's quite a good training to carry dogs up to observation tower :o)

And now it's winter outside. -24 is the coldest night this far and there's sooo much snow. It has been snowing and snowing every day, just wonderful. I have only night time pictures this far, but if the snow stays until weekend, I'll promise I make day time pictures too and post them here for you.