There's no better time to prepare for the winter then the hot summer :o) Well, skipping the weather aspect - I found contacts of a lady who makes yarn of the dog's hair. And even better - she knits from this yarn too. I have carefully collected all the hair Rocco and Lucky have donated and we are very well prepared for the winter now:

All our winter collection on the photos is ~80 % made of Rocco's and Lucky's undercoat, it's warm, it's soft and I love the colour. I'm very sure, that not only arms and head stay warm on winter, but heart too!!!
BIIIIIG thanks to Airi and if you wan't to see her angora's (white colour in our winter collection comes from Airi’s white bunny) and handicraft, here's the link to her blog:
And to stay honest to Lucky and you I have to come back to his hair donation. Because Lucky doesn't agree here. By his opinion his every single hair in my dog-hair-foundation has been violently robbed from him :o). He hates my grooming bag and escapes even if he suspects I'll plan to groom him :o).