Thinking positively it’s still wonderful summer outside. But we are back in town, school has begun, it has been -2 C at night and it’s dark in the mornings and evenings– it all smells like it’s latest time to write a summer summary.
First of all, I just have to mention the wonderful weather we had – sunny and warm for the whole summer. What we missed last summer, we got double this year. Rain was kind of gift (very rare), then there was no need to water all garden that day. Well, not me of course. As proper office rat, I was sitting all days in office. But even office rats are let out of offices for vacation and thanks to that we do have news (a little) to share with you. As usual, we had some big projects planned at our country home – like renovating the water supply system - so by Lucky’s opinion vacation probably makes no big difference , as office rat then turns to some other boring kind of creature, mole for example. Rocco was quite happy about us being so local, he was just lying next to us and appreciated the company. But Lucky was double happy, when we came out of our mining and accepted his offers on toys, walks etc. As weather was so wonderful, we went swimming each evening and often by bicycle.

It’s 12 km to the lake and back ( including (next to swimming of course :-) ) Lucky’s drinking brake and ice cream brake), but Lucky’s batteries would definitely last longer – when back home, he still had energy to bark and jump next to bicycle.
To ride longer distances we bought basket for him on bicycle and he traveled very nicely.
Unfortunately the camera didn't travel with us so I don't have evidence on that. Here's one we made to illustrate it, with Rocco in basket on our way home from picking mushrooms :-).

As I was telling about our big projects, here's one more - stairs from sauna to river. Multifunctional I, as designer, project leader and assistant saw it as half day work before midsummer, but reality is always something else :-)
And one more "project" Here Rocco is on water trip with children and demolition-mother :-) to destruction of beavers dam
Then my very own agility field :-). Quite modest yet, but I'm working on it . I got my jumps and tunnel quite in the end of the summer. And also
Silvia Trkman's agility DVD (which, I have to say, I looooove! ). But at least we have possibility to have fun with Lucky on weekends there and a lot of good ideas that can be practiced even with such a little of equipment. Below is the proof - Lucky loves it.
But though I think we were quite active, living at country seems to have quite bad impact :-) to Lucky and me - we have both collected new calories. That's definitely another sample of life being unfair :-) - the doors have been open at country whole days, why then dog who has possibility to do what ever he likes gains weight compared to when we are walking in town? I'm already worried thinking of the moment we go back to agility training :-) Then again, maybe we have some kind of new muscles ;-)
But, to take advantage of this regrettable situation - I registered Lucky to dog show :-). Because every extra gram in his agility-weight takes him closer to good show-weight :-). The show took place in South-Estonia, Väimela which is almost most distant place in Estonia where dog shows are held (OK, there are 2 even further). Long distance is only advantage in company of good friends. My plan was to tempt Karin and her Shelties with us (specially Caily, who needed her last Jun CAC) and to have our yearly Sheltie vacation in connection of this show. And as Karin agreed, we had really really nice trip together. First about the show.

Lucky was skilfully handled by Karin, his result was open 1/1, best dog 4. And his daughter Caily was BOB Junior, got her 3-rd Jun CAC and is Est J CH now. Lucky's show critique too, (translated, very unprofessionally, from estonian by me) Especially good type, good bone structure, muzzle could be more filled, very good pigmentation, beautiful ears and neck. Back could be little longer. Well developed chest, stright front angulation, good back angulation. Nicely carried tail. Excellent coat and good handling.
And now to our Sheltie vacation. Karin had spent a lot of summers in her childhood near to the area where show was held. So we wondered around there and it's really different if you walk and look places yourself or if you walk with someone who knows those places and to whom they have ment a lot.
Sometimes time is very cruel. Ruins of the house on the photo where Karin is with dogs are the ruins of her grandparents home. And on the right are ruins of the mill where Karin's grandfather used to work.
This is Vana-Antsla's manor. Or actually what's left of it. It is still beautiful, but how wonderful it must have been when it was really life in there, buildings, roads, garden, ponds maintained. Lately there was school of agriculture, but it was closed and the old dignified manor is empty and decays. Only thing maintained there was herb garden, but even this wont probably last long
To add here that we drove old romantic, winding
postal road to get there, it was quite historical trip we had. But not only, next photos are made on "European window" - some great views are marked with yellow frames, I didn't even know, but now when I do, good idea I would say

And couple of more made on our way back home.
It was wonderful day and real vacation, something to think back on the cold winter, that definitely warms the heart. Thank you Karin and Fancy and Caily. I'm already looking forward for our next Sheltie vacation and I'm sure Lucky agree.
And one more trip to South-Estonia with family:
Kelli, her cousin and dogs at "european window" in Tartu |