Madeira is 5 months old, her height is 30 cm has all new incisors and 8 canines :-) - new ones are out a little already, but old are still firm in place
And Lucky is soon bold, as she likes to snap him and usually has piece of his precious coat hanging out from her mouth after that :-).
She has also learned a lot from Lucky, first barking :-), then playing soccer - I play and they run and bark:-), and snow splash games :-). We now go to puppy school with Mammu. To Leader dog training school and trainer Natalja Garatsenko. I saw Nataljas puppy class trainings when we went to agility trainings with Lucky years ago. And thought that if I some day have a puppy, I will go too. And now I got the opportunity and I'm happy. Our trainings are interesting and positive, a lot to learn for me and a lot to teach to Mammu.